Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MOF)
Period :
2013 Jul - 2017 Dec
Location :
Wad-Madani City, Gazira State, The Republic of Sudan
Type of Project :
Engineering Design and Construction of the Plant (Civil Works)
Engineering design and construction (civil works) of a water treatment plant for the supply of drinking water to Wad-Madani City, with a total daily capacity of 75,000 m3.
The treatment process is based on a conventional treatment system which includes; intake pumping station unit, pre sedimentation basins, flash mixing units, clari-flocculator units, gravity sand filter building, recovery and sludge collecting tank for flood season, pre and post gas chlorination disinfection system, chemical dosing units, exploitation building and final treated pumping station to the City and PLC-based control and SCADA system for the entire plant.